Toushi is the term used to describe those tied by their Magatama's and their fates.
A Toushi is a fighter. Each Toushi bears a Magatama. And every Toushi has a fate that they can either embrace or attempt to prevent.
A Toushi is only as strong as their Magatama and not all can unlock the full power to begin with.
All Toushi are human, despite their possibly power. They vary from young to mature, but all are affiliated with one of the seven schools in some shape or form.
There is a rank system in place which shows the strength of the Toushi.
Here is a very brief list from weakest to strongest. (requirements can be found in the appropriate thread)
Rank U
Rank G
Rank F
Rank E
Rank D
Rank C
Rank B
Rank A
Rank S
Rank SS
Rank SSS